Monthly Archives: April 2011

IZn’t she pretty?

Iz is coming soon.

Coming Soon!

Attention All: So MY computer crashed as many of you know what a freaking bummer. But upside is I now have a new and improved computer. The imac is amazing and I am so happy with it.  But needless to say i am behind on editing due to this fact.  I am busy as the bee that stung me on the face last week (no joke).  So here are a few from my latest bridal shoot, which you are going to love!

Equality. and Love.

I went to high school with this couple…

They are totally adorable

and funny times a million.

They were lucky enough to be married in California while it was legal,

When they told me about it OF COURSE I cried.

It warmed my heart right up…

I feel really blessed to be able to capture their love.


They have so such fun together, kinda jealous:)

this one below is a fav.

ohhh and this one!

Oh EM Gee.

isn’t she lovely?


what is to come this week…







and so much more. be excited.

Right now I must say how grateful I am for my job.

my passion.

one of many.

the great people in my life who support me.

the ability to still dream and hope.