
Life Eagerly Goes On…

There are many things to be said.  And yet, I lack the words to say them.  I have lacked the drive for photography, in general. And more importantly life has lost its luster.  But the world keeps spinning. We keep breathing, and we move on.  Sometimes, when our luck is down the universe surprises us.  The world opens up and spits something out so incredible, we often don’t know what to do with it.  Three things can happen…

1-  You don’t even notice the universe has given you something.  And you move on without it.

2-  You notice, but do nothing with it.  And yu move on without it.


3- (which is my favorite) You notice.  You eyes and heart are so open you could almost swallow yourself whole, um yeah it can happen.  Then you take fist fulls of it, stuff it in pockets, and throw it on your back, And you move on, with it.


I am beyond happy to say that the universe loves me, challenges me a bit more than I would like at this moment in time (like whoa, back off man)  BUT, has spit something quite beautiful out at me.  And I chose door number three.  I will take it with me every where I go from here on it.  It has changed my life completely.  In ways i cant even begin to comprehend, let alone explain.

And by it, I mean him.  Ryan is absolutely the most kind hearted man i have ever met and I am lucky he is now my friend.  I must say I am quite good at picking out friends wink wink. but really I have all the best ones.  And I am happy i get to add him to my collection.   Here he is.  We took these last weekend thanks to Austin Boyd for allowing me to steal his camera.


He is the epitome of discrete value, but in math terms. look it up foo.


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Dont worry ISO was at 6400 when it should have been. just ignore it and enjoy this Japanese handsomeness.

Hoskins Family








Meet the Hoskins Family.  Aren’t they gorgeous???  No time for too many words but i had to post.

Grand Family Grand Tetons.


Where to begin?  This Family is incredible.  Currently living in LA.  I met them here in SLC a few years ago and took their family photos at the salt flats.  I had an amazing opportunity to meet them in Jackson hole and take their family photos once again.  They are so warm and welcoming.  Enjoy this beautiful family.




I’m Back…

After a long break.  I am back.  A lot has changed since I last blogged.  Which I will post at some point. but for now a few images from my last two shoots!

First up is a sneak at Kate!







And a few of Megan in Portland.






Rosy and Drew equal Retro Love

Meet Rosy and Drew.  They  THE most fun couple.  and they are so HOT!  I am so looking forward to their wedding in Mexico this fall.  It is going to be magical.  I loved how these guys weren’t afraid to have fun and be themselves in front of the camera.  It also helps that Rosy and I had a 2 day car cleaning business called Latina Splash 🙂  Enjoy these Retro Engagements.



















Meet harper two of my dear friends’ little one. She is lovely.

The B & W is my favorite. I wanna eat her up. and the drool is so cute:)

The Pacheco Family

This family is adorable. in every way.

This shoot was a challenge but you’d never tell by the photos. Thank you Pacheco Fam for letting me get to know you more 🙂

Summer 2011 and Update.

I have been a recluse. Luckily I have the best clients ever. After the computer crash editing got further and further behind.  Then I had a really bad break up. Drove to Illinois with my mom and girls, stayed with my Grandparents. Ate real good. Went to Wisconsin. Then came home to reality. My Best friend stabbed someone 13 times because of money or drugs. Went on a short vacation to the hospital to get myself reassembled. Feeling much better. Catching up. Or should I say TRYING to.


Thank you for all of your love, concern, and understanding. The past month has been suuuuuper busy. So be prepared.meet Boston.

meet summer. finally.

Meet Crue, Well almost.



Meet The Williams.

More coming very very soon.