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2 responses to “Contact

  • Christina


    I’m just getting into photography myself and I was wondering what kind of camera and lens you use? You have some really cool effects in these pictures (kind of like what i’d like to do) and was just wondering if you could offer me some artistic advice…


  • Jessika Brown (Grimshaw)

    Hi, Shannon!
    I’m Lindsey Grimshaw’s cute, elder sister (she is far more beautiful, but I am far more out-going. Hahaha!) I have two
    beautiful children (7 year old boy totally full of himself and
    a 5 year girl that is a lovely princess, what woman these days isn’t?). I also have a husband that doesn’t like to smile for the carmera (he is so lovely, just ?!?!) Can you fix that? If not, no worries, I’m used to it!

    Anyway, I have this crazy idea of taking family portraits at
    the Salt Flats. Wouldn’t that be so perfect? I was thinking of some time in the middle of September. Maybe on a Friday evening? I have kid’s and love them, so please feel free to bring your babies along for some great pics too. What the hell, you’re making the trip anyway, right? Just kidding (not really, though)!

    You are very talented and Linds raves about you. Looking forward to capturing my beau…tiful family!


    P.S. I’ll bring the tunes. We’ll need them!