The P Family.

um can you say cutest family ever? hello!  i had so much fun shooting these guys. So much personality!









































Davis Love <3












my two favs.


i love grandmas

sooooo good. i love fun couples!

2nd time through:) she loved the bubbles so much she had to go back through. love it!

just gorgeous. Thank you for letting me capture your beautiful day. Baby Davis is going to be one lucky babe.
















Little Miss Sunshine 2




If you don’t know Nicole, you should. she is incredible. Just being around her makes you more happy. and Hello she is eye candy too!

Her and Bruan met in Hawaii so we did the closest beach theme as we could here in utah. ❤ wedding photos soon!







Little miss sunshine Part one.

Meet Nicole. um gorgeous. i know.

5 months preggers and you can’t even tell. she is so beautiful inside and out.

the first of many.

Trying to catch up on editing and blogging after my HUGE computer mishap. Getting used to being a Mac girl. 🙂 Thanks to all my supportive clients for being understanding with the delay and having to retrieve and reedit photos. 🙂

Meet Karlee. Yeah what a doll right? She had such a sweet demeanor about her and I think it shows in these photos. ❤

a favorite.

The third picture up I love: proof that mistakes are awesome.

up and coming…holler.

IZn’t she pretty?

Iz is coming soon.

Coming Soon!

Attention All: So MY computer crashed as many of you know what a freaking bummer. But upside is I now have a new and improved computer. The imac is amazing and I am so happy with it.  But needless to say i am behind on editing due to this fact.  I am busy as the bee that stung me on the face last week (no joke).  So here are a few from my latest bridal shoot, which you are going to love!

Equality. and Love.

I went to high school with this couple…

They are totally adorable

and funny times a million.

They were lucky enough to be married in California while it was legal,

When they told me about it OF COURSE I cried.

It warmed my heart right up…

I feel really blessed to be able to capture their love.


They have so such fun together, kinda jealous:)

this one below is a fav.

ohhh and this one!